Become a Pilot Sponsor
Are you a pilot who is interested in flying one of our CAF aircraft? Then become a pilot sponsor! The specific costs and qualifications depend on the aircraft type. Non-pilots can become a sponsor to express their support of a favorite aircraft, realizing the expense of keeping them flying. Below is a general overview of costs and qualifications. Detailed information and questions concerning sponsorship should be addressed to the Wing Operations Officer.
Financial Requirements:
1) Join the national CAF
$225 per year
2) Join the Indiana Wing
$35 per year
3) Fairchild PT-26
$1500 one time sponsorship
$140 per month for insurance, hangar, maintenance, etc.
$45 per hour for engine reserve and oil
Fuel cost at 9 gallons per hour
4) Beech RC-45J
$3500 one time sponsorship
$275 per month for insurance, hangar, maintenance, etc.
$100 per hour for engine reserve and oil
Fuel cost at 45 gallons per hour
5) Vultee BT-13
$3500 one time sponsorship
$319 per month for insurance, hangar, maintenance, etc.
$220 per hour wet rate
6) Stearman
$1500 one time sponsorship
$150 per month for insurance, hangar, maintenance, etc.
$90 per hour wet rate
Flight Time Requirements:
1) Fairchild PT-26
200 hours total time
10 hours taildragger time in the last 12 months
10 landings in the last 12 months in a taildragger
2) Beech RC-45J
500 hours total time
100 hours multi-engine PIC time
30 hours taildragger time in the last 12 months
80 landings in the last 12 months in a taildragger
3) Vultee BT-13
300 hours total time
30 hours taildragger time in the last 12 months
80 landings in the last 12 months in a taildragger
4) Stearman
200 hours total time
15 hours dual before solo
30 hours taildragger time in the last 12 months
80 landings in the last 12 months in a taildragger